My new showreel is now on my website. www.adamthomaswright.com My brother, Alastair, has updated my website and put new pictures on as well. I really like it.
What is Pancake day. It is called Shrove Tuesday and is the last chance to eat whatever you like. Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent which is a Christian festival where you give something up for Lent. Nowadays it is something like chocolate or cakes but in the olden days it would have been normal things like eggs and butter. Lent goes on right up to Easter Sunday and that works out to 47 days of giving up something, like a sort of a sacrifice or proof of willpower. Shrove comes from the word shrive which means to...
My mum has dug out her old motorbike boots and cleaned them up. She said they are about 33 years old!! They have been all over the place although she didn’t walk about in them much as she was on a motorbike. I don’t keep any of my shoes because I grow out of them but is there anybody else that can break my mum’s record for shoes or boots still being worn!
Valentine was a priest in Rome and he was a martyr. He was made a saint but he had nothing to do with anything to do with romance. The name became associated with romance because a poem was written in the Middle Ages by Geoffrey Chaucer and it became traditional to write poems and send flowers and sweets to your sweetheart. The poems and cards were called Valentines. Apart from his name, nothing is known about St Valentine other than he was buried at Via Flaminia on February 14, AD269. There is a myth, with no historical value, that he wrote...
The snow hasn’t cleared here yet and it still looks pretty. My mum took this photo on her phone yesterday and we are surprised that the apples are still on the tree. I wonder why the birds haven’t eaten them!
The snow is still on the ground here and we had to dig our way out on Monday so that I could get to school. It has gone icy now so here is a picture of when it was nice and new.
I was looking at a book tonight which showed how all the different shades and types of skies and this is my picture with a sky at the end of a hot day.
We got much more snow that we thought so we were able to complete the mission. One snow family and a dog.
Whoo Hoo, it is snowing in Hertfordshire. A picture out of my bedroom window. Can’t wait until tomorrow.
I am a young actor living in Hertfordshire.
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You can also have a look at my acting portfolio at AdamThomasWright.com