Monthly Archive: November 2012

I have received a disc of the BBC Radio Drama ‘Storm’ by Sarah Weatherall and directed by Anne Bunting. I really enjoyed it.  It will go out on the 28th December at 14.15  so tuck up on the settee after lunch and have a listen. It is going to be busy over the next few weeks.   I have had a look at the photographs of where I will be working soon and I hope it doesn’t snow.   I am having a uniform made for me and it is very exciting.   It is drama about an under age...

EN5 Radio

We are  interviewing DANIEL ROCHE from ‘Outnumbered’ and ‘Just William’  tomorrow between 4pm and 6pm on EN5 radio.  log on to and listen to the live stream.  There is also lots of topics to talk about and we, the presenters,  are each  playing our top five songs. 


This week has been busy.  I had a couple of auditions to do at the beginning of the week and on Wednesday I did the interview on EN5 radio which I really liked.   Tonight I made meatballs with spaghetti and it was really nice.  I am going for rehearsals tomorrow for one of my new short films.  I have to sort my costume which is an army costume so I am really looking forward to that. Have a good weekend everybody. Lovely!! my favourite.


I have had a lazy Sunday, reading and playing games.  I am looking forward to this Wednesday.  I am being interviewed on EN5 Radio about my acting career and my blog  . Last week I recorded my part in the Radio 4 drama ‘Storm’ which will be transmitted on the 28th December.   My mum took some photos of our neighbour’s dog, she is called Molly and she is CavaPoo which is a Cavalier Spaniel and Toy Poodle.  She is great and I look after her sometimes. Molly did her first  job last week in a student film!   

The End of the World 2012

This thing about it being the end of the world in December 2012 got me thinking. I was writing the date today and noticed that next month it will  be 12/12/12  but that would still be 12/12/2012 which is not all the same numbers.  it will be 210 years until 2/2/2222.   Then it goes on to 3/3/3333  and so on until the month reaches December again and then it will be another big gap until everything lines up again. 12.12.12 is half of 6.6.6. The number 666 is the number of the sun. The number 666 has 12 divisors {1, 2, 3, 6,...


It is my birthday today and my mum got me a load of mini muffins to take into school.  They went down very well! Last Sunday I went to the Harry Potter studios and went on the tour.  It was very good and I enjoyed seeing all the props. Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday greetings on Twitter. I will be recording a radio play on Saturday and I haven’t done that before so I am very excited about it. My cousin  lives in Holland and she  has  been writing and performing songs for  a few years.  She...



  Today I went to The Bull Theatre and took part in a chat for EN5 Radio and we talked about computer games that are coming out and what type of music people like and other interesting things.  Me and other students at Susi Earnshaw’s will be doing a regular show from the 14th, see below. WEDNESDAY 14TH NOVEMBER BRAND NEW WEEKLY SHOW AIRING ON EN5RADIO “THE YOUNG 1’s” LIVE FROM THE BULL THEATRE, BARNET. 2 HOURS OF THE VERY BEST IN MUSIC, CHAT, INTERVIEWS AND LIVE PERFOMANCES FULL DETAILS COMING SOON…….  


Well,  we went to London on Wednesday and I went to an audition then we went and got tickets for Skyfall in Leicester Square.  There were big queues later so I am glad we got our tickets before we went to have something to eat.  Skyfall was incredible one of the best Bond films ever.  After that we walked down to Trafalgar Square and got the Ghost bus Tour.  It was great and a bit scary.  The actors on the bus were funny and took us to all the places where people were beheaded or hung drawn and quartered.  We...