Monthly Archive: August 2013


I’m back from Spain.  It was really, really hot and I had to wear a big hat to make sure I didn’t get sunburnt.  We had a lot of spare time to have a look around Barcelona and we did a bit of sightseeing.  My mum’s bag got pick pocketed but the police caught the man and we got our stuff back.  Mum didn’t feel a thing and I didn’t see anyone near us either.  The police in Barcelona were brilliant.  It was very exciting when the police car screamed in and 4 men jumped out and started running towards...



I am in the hotel in Barcelona. We have to wait for the phone call to take us to the shoot. Everything is so secret it is funny.


I haven’t been around for a while as I have been enjoying my summer break.  I just got back from Spain.  We went to Barcelona for a wardrobe fitting for a thing I am doing next week.  I will have more news about that later. On the plane my mum was reading about bits falling off planes and when we were about to take off there was a big bang which we wondered what it was then we were delayed and when we came into Heathrow Terminal 5, we were taken to a different place on the airport and had...


Well it has been a bit quiet recently but things are suddenly getting busy again.  Don’t forget to log on to every Wednesday.