Here we go 2013 ahead. I had a great Christmas. Last year was really good with some great jobs for BBC drama and radio, a lot of short films which were screened in festivals here and abroad. My highlight of 2012 has to be working with Stellen Skarsgard, in ‘The Physician’ which comes out at the end of 2013. I am really looking forward to seeing that. It is epic. I met loads of new people last year from Directors, Producers, actors and not forgetting the camera people, the sound people and the make up girls that made a fuss of me!
I’ve been a zombie, an old man, a haunted child, a bereaved and badly treated orphan, a bullied schoolboy, and an abused, neglected child and I can honestly say I have really enjoyed every minute of it.
I have made a bunch of new friends that I will keep in touch with and I hope to see them again. This year I am going to be an under age soldier, another boy in a supernatural short film and I hope to be filming in France this year.
So HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and a big thanks to the casting agents!