Lady Luck is playing in an invited online shorts contest run by First Glance Film Festival which is a prestigious film festival in LA. The winning film gets a premiere at the First Glance Film Festival in Philadelphia – which would be amazing.
Would you go on line and vote for us and pass the world around to your friends. There is a small fee of £2 to log in and vote but once there you can view all the short films – around 20 so it is quite good value – less than a cup of coffee and some great shorts to watch!
The FirstGlance Short Online Contest is open to worldwide viewers who can access platform and watch films online on your PC, laptop, or mobile devices. Registered users can login at any time to watch all films registered as part of the contest, 24/7 from April 20th- May 18th at 12:00 EST. Enjoy your stay and thank you for supporting indie film! 2-firstglance-spring-2015- online-short-film-contest