Monthly Archive: October 2014


The Missing started tonight on BBC 1 and as expected it shows all the signs of being compulsive viewing.  The brilliant James Nesbitt plays the part of the distraught father perfectly and the scene is now set for a compelling story to unfold.   The story is set around the disappearance of a child, Nesbitt’s son, whilst the family are on holiday in France.    My hair isn’t that long now as I had it chopped off for my latest BBC drama set in the late 1940’s which has just finished filming and due on T.V. in the Spring.



Here is a short film I made for Halloween last year.  I made it with my friend Toby  from school and I thought you might find it funny.  Here is the link from my vimeo.  Have a great Halloween everybody.


I just bought a book called Endgame, The Calling, by James Frey and Nils Johnson-Shelton.  It is about a group of teenagers who have been chosen.  They are placed in different parts of the world and they have to enter the game to save the world. ‘Twelve ancient cultures were chosen millennia ago to represent humanity in Endgame, a global game that will decide the fate of humankind. Endgame has always been a possibility, but never a reality…until now. Twelve meteorites have just struck Earth, each meteorite containing a message for a Player who has been trained for this moment....



Keeping up with the horror theme, here is another short film, I made myself, called. SPLIT PERSONALITY   I like making short films and I hope you like this one.


I have  cameo role in this production and I had the opportunity to act with James Nesbitt and it was great to watch him working.  I remember watching Bloody Sunday with my mum and I wasn’t sure if it was a film or a documentary because it was so realistic.  James Nesbitt has the skill to make you feel you are there in the room for real. It was like a masterclass. Here is an edited piece from Venessa Thorpe from The Observer newspaper and you can see the full interview here:- Interview with James Nesbitt For a television audience...

STAR MAGE, new comic book series

Star Mage is a new exciting comic series.  JC De La Torre is the writer and creator of the IDW comics space and sorcery mini-series. There is Science Fiction and Magic in Star Mage! Darien Connors discovers he’s not from Earth, has strange magical powers, and is the key in an ancient war between two alien races of necromancers. Star Mage offers wizard battles with a side of spaceship warfare, alien worlds, and weird creatures. I hope they make a film!!   Star Mage paperback  will be released on December 16, 2014. I have ordered mine from Amazon.        My pic by Kris Rich...


It was the last day of filming for me on the new BBC drama which will be screened in the Spring.  We all had a great time and I made a behind the scenes short film which I will put on here once the programme has been on  t.v. We all got on brilliantly and had fun.  I hope everybody does keep in touch.   Cameron, Finn, me and Aran  


I am going to Monaco for the Monaco Film Festival and this is why… Lady Luck is about a young boy’s attempts to win back his mother’s love. The film is inspired by a short story by DH Lawrence – ‘The Rocking Horse Winner’. Director: Jo Lewis Writers: Fay Garrett, Jo Lewis


Last week I went to BBC Maida Vale to record a drama.  It seemed like a comedy and I wasn’t sure what it was about so I googled it.  The Decameron is a collection of 100 tales by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio written between 1350 and 1353 Writers such as Shakespeare and Chaucer are said to have borrowed from it. The tale begins with 7 women and 3 men who move to a country villa to escape the Black Death in Florence. The group stays there for fourteen days and on ten of those days they each tell one tale...


Win a trip to TASMANIA with Neil Gaiman @neilhimself Bookend is a not-for-profit education initiative that seeks to inspire students and their communities with the positive environmental careers they can build making the world a better place. Look at the website here:- Bookend is funded through the donation of time, energy and resources by private individuals concerned about building a positive and co-operative environmental future for our students and community. We started this work voluntarily as we feel privileged in our careers, and we wish to pass this inspiration and opportunity to the next generation. This dedication is supported and...