A friend said they had seen my photo in a ‘Game of  Thrones’ picture.  I did audition for Game of Thrones when I was about 10 years old. I didn’t get the job, but a boy I know did,  Isaac Hempstead-Wright. We met during filming ‘The Awakening’,   no relative.  So I knew it wasn’t me, although Isaac and I used to look quite alike.  He is changed now and looks all grown up.  He is a bit older than me but I still look much the same!!!

Anyway, much as I would love to be in Game of Thrones, the picture is  Maisie Williams Playing Arya Stark,  we could be relatives though!  Do you think  another Stark family member could suddenly be introduced after being lost and found having  lived with the wolves???



Maisie Williams in ‘Game of Thrones’


Still from De Medicus Trailer


Me, Adam Thomas Wright in ‘The Physician’

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Isaac Hempstead – Wright playing Bran Stark


Then look at us now:-

download (5) SETS Spotlight 2013 0568 250full-feed